Jython and JES
目的: 用Jython and JES 來處理圖片
Jython 是什麼?

Jython 包含 python 背景運行是用java程式碼是執行
Load program 是跑上面系統後得到的值,但他會要你先儲存, 之後才能執行
170. Color coding認識處裡圖片前, 來先了解電腦如何幫圖片做編碼
Pictures are formed with pixels; each pixel is dot combined with 3 colors – red, green and blue.(RGB)
圖片是由很小的格子儲存 那就是 pixel 像素 代表3個bytes (RGB)組成 ,
如紅色是由1個byte = 8 bits ,所以一bits 是2的8次方=256.
SO one pixel have 24 bits 光學三 元素
1pixel = 3bytes = 24bit =255

- Each color channel is stored with 1 byte (8 bits);
therefore, there are 256 different kinds of red, 256
different kinds of green, and 256 different kinds of
blue. These 24 bits can form 24"= 16777216
different kinds of colors. Each color channel is
labeled from 0 to 255.
If red = 0, green = 0, and blue = 0, then we get pure
If red = 255, green 255, and blue = 255, then we
get pure white.